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Cover: Zoo Clues 2

Zoo Clues 2

Format List S/L Price Qty
$142.50 $99.75
$213.95 $149.75
Reinforced Book and Multi-User eBook $167.50 $124.75

There are more wild and wonderful animals to discover—one clue at a time! Zoo Clues 2 introduces emergent readers to unusual animals from around the world through a fun guessing game. Rich, colorful photos and a clever design will engage young children as they read and explore. Each 24-page book features controlled text with age-appropriate vocabulary and simple sentence construction. Vibrant photos closely align with descriptive text. Early readers will strengthen their reading skills while learning all about animals in an enjoyable, exciting way!

Want more? Click here for Zoo Clues series product details.

Also available in Spanish! Click here for Pistas de animales 2 (Zoo Clues 2) series product details.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Zoo Clues 2 (5 titles)
Cover: My Claws Are Huge and Black (Emperor Scorpion) My Claws Are Huge and Black (Emperor Scorpion) 0.9
Cover: My Feet Are Webbed and Orange (Puffin) My Feet Are Webbed and Orange (Puffin) 0.9
Cover: My Mane Is Short and Spiky (Hyena) My Mane Is Short and Spiky (Hyena) 0.7
Cover: My Teeth Are Sharp and Pointy (Sawfish) My Teeth Are Sharp and Pointy (Sawfish) 0.8
Cover: My Tongue is Long and Curves (Okapi) My Tongue is Long and Curves (Okapi) 0.8
Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Nonfiction
Copyright 2017
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Zoo Clues 2
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 8 x 8
ISBN 9781944102982, 9781944997434, 9781944997878
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook, Savings Bundle

School Library Journal Review for Zoo Clues 2

A clever visual guessing game introduces unusual animals. Each spread provides a short sentence or two describing one animal feature. The accompanying photograph resembles a jigsaw puzzle with several pieces missing and the partial remaining image showing the body parts hinted at in the text. After seven verbal and visual clues have been given, a spread identifies and reveals the whole animal. Two final pages provide basic facts and a range map. The animals are all lesser-known ones, such as the fennec fox and sawfish, which make the puzzles surprisingly challenging. Opening clues often misdirect: the okapi hints, for example, might lead to initial guesses of horse or antelope. These may not stand up to repeated readings once the answer is revealed, but the interactive format provides an interesting entry into the traits of some unusual animals. VERDICT: A well-executed concept useful for new readers and curious animal lovers.

Booklist Review for My Body Is Tough and Gray

This entry in the Zoo Clues 2 series presents a series of tantalizing close-up photos, shaped like jigsaw puzzle pieces, of body parts with very brief descriptive clues such as, “My legs are short and strong” and “I have a long, stiff tail.” A full portrait with identifier (“I am a nine-banded armadillo!”) is followed by an easily digestible handful of facts such as the animal’s size, diet, and geographical range, plus print and online sources of further information. Newly independent readers, particularly those slated to encounter armadillos in a zoo or elsewhere, will appreciate the combination of mystery and simplicity. For a more comprehensive account, pair with Dee Phillips’ Armadillo’s Burrow (2013), which adds informative details about this creature’s habits and life cycle to this more interactive text.

Activities for further learning
Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Sources for further research
Suggested websites
Table of contents
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