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Cover: Fossils Uncovered!

Fossils Uncovered!

Format List S/L Price Qty
$197.70 $138.42
$265.26 $185.70
Reinforced Book and Multi-User eBook $222.00 $155.70

In this graphic narrative nonfiction series, readers follow paleontologists and fossil hunters as they discover ancient dinosaurs and other fossils. Each book explores dinosaur fossil sites around the world. Perfect for reluctant readers, budding scientists, and dinosaur enthusiasts. Backmatter information includes more about other prehistoric animals and the job of paleontologists.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Fossils Uncovered! (6 titles)
Cover: Bones in the Badlands: Albertosaurus Discovery Bones in the Badlands: Albertosaurus Discovery 4.1
Cover: Bones in the Cliff: T. rex Discovery Bones in the Cliff: T. rex Discovery 4.1
Cover: Dinosaur Eater: SuperCroc Discovery Dinosaur Eater: SuperCroc Discovery 4.2
Cover: An Egg Thief? Oviraptor Discovery An Egg Thief? Oviraptor Discovery 3.8
Cover: A Nest of Bones: Maiasaura Discovery A Nest of Bones: Maiasaura Discovery 4.0
Cover: Tiny Giants: Titanosaur Discovery Tiny Giants: Titanosaur Discovery 4.0
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 3
Genre Graphic Novel, Narrative Nonfiction
Copyright 2022
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Fossils Uncovered!
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 6.5 x 9
ISBN 9781636913315, 9781636913452, 9781636916651
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook, Savings Bundle

SLJ Review of Fossils Uncovered

A graphic novel format brings dinosaur discovery to life in this series. ­Major finds like Sue Hendrickson’s T. Rex or Jack Horner’s maiasaura are dramatized for readers. Scenes show the process of the dig, as well as the research and other events after the fossils were dug up. Text boxes provide the narrative while speech and thought bubbles help recreate the action.
A separate section explains the time period in which the dinosaur lived and briefly profiles several other species from the same time period. In each book’s back matter the question “What Is Paleontology?” is answered along with photos of a paleontologist working in a lab and in the field. provides readers with a list of websites for further research and reading.
VERDICT: Will appeal to fans of dinosaurs and graphic novels.

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
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