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Cover: Animal Babies Set Two

Animal Babies Set Two

Format List S/L Price Qty
$179.70 $125.82
$119.94 $119.94
Reinforced Book and Multi-User eBook $191.94 $143.70

Is there anything young readers love more than baby animals? This series features some of the most adorable baby animals in the world. Controlled text paired closely with attention-grabbing images is sure to build confidence in students' reading skills while they learn about these cute and cuddly animal babies.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Animal Babies Set Two (6 titles)
Cover: Baby Flamingos Baby Flamingos 1.5
Cover: Baby Hippos Baby Hippos 1.5
Cover: Baby Koalas Baby Koalas 1.5
Cover: Baby Porcupines Baby Porcupines 1.6
Cover: Baby Red Pandas Baby Red Pandas 1.6
Cover: Baby Seals Baby Seals 1.5
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 1
Reading Level Grade 1
Genre Beginning Readers
Copyright 2021
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Animal Babies Set Two
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 7.75 x 7.75
ISBN 9781647474676, 9781647474836, 9781647477479
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook, Savings Bundle
Guided Reading Level H

Arlington ISD Review of Baby Porcupines

“Baby Porcupines” written by Jennifer Boothroyd is one title of a twelve book set called “Animal Babies.” This book has full-color pages, close up photographs, large print, and text written for beginner readers to have success as they start to research porcupines. All nonfiction text features are present, as well as, teaching tips for the beginning, middle and end of the book.

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
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