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Cover: Creeping Slime

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Creeping Slime

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Animal, plant, fungus—just what kind of living thing is a slime mold? How do these slimy blobs move from place to place? And how do slime molds help clean up rotting leaves and other dead stuff in backyards and forests? Learn the answers to these questions and more—and prepare to get slimed! This title will introduce readers to the secret, oozy world of slime molds. The book is expertly crafted to meet early elementary and science curriculum standards, as well as introduce children to bizarre and interesting facts. Innovative, grade-appropriate activities and experiments, critical-thinking questions, and fascinating fact boxes will hold readers’ interests with a viselike grip. And, best of all, the activities are gooey and fun!

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
BISACS JNF003000, JNF051150, JNF051110
Genre Nonfiction
Copyright 2019
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Slime-inators & Other Slippery Tricksters
Language English
ISBN 9781642800609, 9781642800616
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 579.5'2
ATOS Reading Level 4.7
Guided Reading Level N
Lexile Reading Level 830
AR Quiz Number 511380
Author Ellen Lawrence

Booklist STARRED Review of Creeping Slime: Slime Molds

Starred Review: The bright yellow, alien-looking globs on the cover of this volume in the Slime-inator & Other Slippery Tricksters series (6 titles) hint at something gross within, and, well, that’s not far off the mark. But slime molds are also seriously cool, and readers lured in by the weird goop on the cover will come away with some amazing facts; for instance, slime molds can find the most efficient route through a maze, despite having no brain! Beginning with a basic description of this single-celled organism, the chapters move on to explain how slime molds grow, eat, and move, all accompanied by bold, full-color, close-up photos—each one labeled— showcasing their brilliant colors and drippy shapes. Lawrence clearly explains the concepts, adding helpful pronunciation guides following each new vocab term, and keeps the tone engagingly enthusiastic. Eye-catching photos, surprising science, and truly fascinating topic set this apart from the crowd.

Glossary of key words
Sources for further research
Table of contents
Full-color illustrations, Full-color photographs
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