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Colorful. Warm. Friendly. Welcome to Haiti! In this bright, exciting book, young readers will travel to this amazing country without ever leaving their homes or classrooms. During their journey, they will learn all about Haiti's cities, food, holidays, music, and wildlife. They'll even learn how to speak a few words in French and Creole! This 32-page book features controlled text with age-appropriate vocabulary and simple sentence construction. The engaging text, bold design, and stunning photos are sure to capture children's interest.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Beginning Readers, Nonfiction
Copyright 2016
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Countries We Come From
Language English
ISBN 9781943553365, 9781943553709
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 972.94
ATOS Reading Level 3.2
Guided Reading Level J
Lexile Reading Level 460
AR Quiz Number 180160
Author Joyce Markovics

SLJ Review - Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Colombia

The latest titles in this continuing series visit countries of the Caribbean Basin. The strongest element of the set is the appealing format; large, colorful captioned photos arranged in clean layouts with two to three sentences of simple text. Books begin with a locator map and population statistics and continue on to cover landforms, animals, cities, agriculture, history, food, and celebrations. Extras include two simple words in the nation’s language and a “Fun Facts” summary page. Coverage is positive, with an emphasis on the people, customs, and natural world rather than governments and institutions. In Cuba, the only mention of its communist government is a paragraph about the lifting of the travel ban due to the country’s recent rapprochement with the United States. This set continues the series’ focus on introducing countries with large immigrant populations in the United States. VERDICT Recommended additions.

Activities for further learning
Glossary of key words
Sources for further research
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