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Cover: Even More SuperSized!

Even More SuperSized!

Format List S/L Price Qty
$216.65 $151.69
$159.92 $159.92
Reinforced Book and Multi-User eBook $234.50 $174.65

Bearport’s best-selling series, SuperSized!, just got bigger! Young readers can now discover even more of the world’s tallest, longest, biggest, and heaviest animals. Large color photos paired with simple, grade-appropriate text will engage children as they learn about the natural habitat, physical characteristics, diet, life cycle, and behavior of these incredibly huge animals. Comparison diagrams are also included to show readers the supersized animals in relation to familiar objects.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Even More SuperSized! (7 titles)
Cover: Cane Toad Cane Toad 3.9
Cover: English Mastiff English Mastiff 3.9
Cover: Flemish Giant Rabbit Flemish Giant Rabbit 4.0
Cover: Giant Pacific Octopus Giant Pacific Octopus 4.4
Cover: Giant Weta Giant Weta 3.9
Cover: King Cobra King Cobra 4.1
Cover: Walking Sticks Walking Sticks 3.9
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Nonfiction
Copyright 2013
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Even More SuperSized!
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 10 x 8
ISBN 9781617727269, 9781617727764, 9781617728259
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook, Savings Bundle

Even More Supersized

There are full-page color photos and facts presented in text and also in captions set off in boxes. The visuals in this book may help the struggling reader and writer access the information. There is a glossary with photos, suggested books for further reading, and a web site with links that include a link to learn more. Also, there is crossword puzzle that you can use online (or you can download it). There is also a page that has information and photos of several other [similar animals]. I would use this page for a compare/contrast activity. Although the publisher has labeled this book for grade 2 level reading, I would use this book in PreK and K classes when introducing insects and then put the book in the science center. Interest is labeled K-3 and I think the book could belong in those other classrooms as well.

Even More Supersized

There are full-page color photos and facts presented in text and also in captions set off in boxes. The visuals in this book may help the struggling reader and writer access the information. There is a glossary with photos, suggested books for further reading, and a web site with links that include a link to learn more. Also, there is crossword puzzle that you can use online (or you can download it). There is also a page that has information and photos of several other [similar animals]. I would use this page for a compare/contrast activity. Although the publisher has labeled this book for grade 2 level reading, I would use this book in PreK and K classes when introducing insects and then put the book in the science center. Interest is labeled K-3 and I think the book could belong in those other classrooms as well.

Even More Supersized

Browsers and report writers alike will enjoy this series about giant animals. Readers will learn about the featured animals’ diets, defenses, habitats (all titles include a map), physical characteristics, and life cycles. The size of the creatures is compared to objects young children would know, such as soccer balls, pencils, or refrigerators. Each spread features large, vibrant, color photos that emphasize the magnitude of the animals, a few sentences of text, and text boxes outlined in coordinating borders, such as dog collars or feathers, that offer additional facts (e.g., “One bite from a king cobra has enough poison to kill an elephant or 50 people”). Environmental issues and pet care are addressed in some titles. Just as in Bearport’s SuperSized! (2007) and More SuperSized! (2010), each book concludes with a list of related animals and a picture glossary, which will help students discover visually the meaning of new words.

Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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