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Cover: Abyssinians

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In ancient Egypt, people thought that cats were descended from gods and had great powers. Cats even lived in palaces with pharaohs who revered them as sacred beings. Some people think that Abyssinian cats were bred in Egypt thousands of years ago because they look like the cats in ancient Egyptian art and hieroglyphics. Whether or not Abyssinians were originally bred in Egypt, one thing is certain: these beautiful cats are now popular all over the world! The Abyssinian’s playful nature makes it a great choice for anyone who wants a curious and energetic pet.

A narrative treat for all cat lovers, Abyssinian Cats: Egyptian Royalty? includes fun, real-life stories about these cats while also recounting the breed’s history, personality, suitability as a pet, and the special characteristics that set it apart from other breeds. Cat lovers will agree that it’s the purr-fect read!

Interest Level Grade 1 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 3
Genre Narrative Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Copyright 2011
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Cat-ographies
Language English
ISBN 9781617721458, 9781617721878
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 636.8'26
ATOS Reading Level 4.4
Guided Reading Level N
Lexile Reading Level 830
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 4.4
AR Quiz Number 142595
Author Dawn Bluemel Oldfield
Author/Illustrator biography
Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs

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