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Southern Sea Otters

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Was it too late to save the southern sea otter? Thousands of these furry sea creatures once lived off the coast of California. Yet by the 1970s, years of hunting, water pollution, and boating accidents had pushed the sea otter to the brink of extinction. Would people find a way to help this endangered animal survive? In Southern Sea Otters: Fur-tastrophe Avoided, children relive the inspiring and heroic efforts of people who stepped in to save this remarkable creature when all seemed lost. Through this true tale of wildlife survival, children discover the bold and creative ideas that Americans and their government have used to protect and care for the country’s endangered wildlife. Full-color photographs and a habitat map enrich this heartfelt story of conservationism and courage.

Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 7
Reading Level Grade 3
Genre Narrative Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Copyright 2008
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series America's Animal Comebacks
Language English
ISBN 9781597165983
Title Format Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 599.769'5
ATOS Reading Level 5.0
Lexile Reading Level 850
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 4.8
AR Quiz Number 116352
Author Jeanette Leardi
  • 2009 Children's Choices, 2009
  • 2008 NSTA Selection Winners, 2008

Southern Sea Otters

Dedicated environmentalists value, care for, and advocate for sea otters in an effort to improve their endangered status. Vivid photographs.

Southern Sea Otters

Dedicated environmentalists value, care for, and advocate for sea otters in an effort to improve their endangered status. Vivid photographs.

Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs, Historical photographs

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