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Cover: Struggle for Survival

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Struggle for Survival

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In the 1800s, Florida panthers thrived in the southeastern United States, but by the mid 1900s, there were very few of the animals left. When biologists like Mark Lotz realized that wildlife refuges would only do so much to save this endangered species, they got to work. Follow along in this graphic adventure based on a true story of how biologists saved the unhealthy population for a Florida panther comeback. Then, learn more about Florida panthers and other cats in danger.

Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 3
BISACS JNF062030, JNF062000, JNF000000
Genre Graphic Novel, Narrative Nonfiction
Copyright 2022
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Saving Animals from the Brink
Language English
ISBN 9781636910499, 9781636910635
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 599.75'2409759
ATOS Reading Level 4.3
Lexile Reading Level 660
AR Quiz Number 352848
Author Tim Cooke
Illustrator Alessandro Valdrighi
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