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Working in Space

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How does it feel to work in zero gravity in a laboratory more than 200 miles above Earth? What kinds of experiments do astronauts carry out aboard the International Space Station (ISS)? And how does it feel to step out of the space station into the darkness of space? In this title, kids will discover the answers to all these questions and many more fascinating facts about working in space. Each Space-ology book is expertly crafted to meet early elementary and science curriculum standards, as well as introduce young space enthusiasts to the latest space technology. Innovative, grade-appropriate activities and experiments, critical-thinking questions, and fascinating fact boxes will give kids a chance to think like an astronaut.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
BISACS JNF051010, JNF051000, JNF051110
Copyright 2019
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Space-ology
Language English
ISBN 9781642801767, 9781642802450
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 629.45
ATOS Reading Level 4.6
Guided Reading Level L
Lexile Reading Level 790
AR Quiz Number 501201
Author Ellen Lawrence

Bookworm for Kids Blog Review of Working in Space

Little astronauts’ hearts will pound faster as they not only learn more about what astronauts do in space, but take in the real life photographs of astronauts at work on the space station.

What do astronauts do in space? This book gives a nice overview, including everything from repairing the station to experiments to chores. The book is divided into nine, two-page chapters, each one concentrating on a specific task astronauts have. The information is clear and easy to understand, and offers interesting facts. Even more fun and, perhaps, surprising facts are presented in text bubbles referring to the colorful photographs. To wrap things up, an easy and interesting experiment is offered at the end—one even younger listeners can do. There is a glossary which helps define more difficult and specific terms along with pictures to make these definitions clear. At the end, there’s an index to help locate specific information quickly; a list of books to find more information; and a website where more information can be found.

This is a great read for kids interested in learning more about astronauts and what they do on the space station. The text is clear and precise, while remaining interesting for the age group. The author never talks down to the kids, but presents the facts as they are. The addition of lesser known numbers and information make it fun to explore, and might even surprise adults at times.

The photographs make this book a real treat. Each one presents real life astronauts as they perform the respective tasks on the station. The photos are bright and clear. While some moments are serious, the book brings in several more humorous tidbits, which make it more fun to read. Even the astronauts are presented with different emotions and in different situations, giving everything a realistic feel, kids will be able to relate to. It’s sure to be a treasure for kids who dream of flying to space themselves one day.

School Library Journal Review of Space-ology

This unique series provides a comprehensive look at space exploration, with topics ranging from the features of the solar system to the life of an astronaut to a hypothetical look at life on Mars and finding an Earth-like planet. Each title effectively conveys an immense topic in an accessible and entertaining way, relying on a controlled vocabulary and five to six simple sentences per page. Appealing page layouts, featuring full-color ­photographs, as well as labels and fun facts, are eye-catching and support comprehension. Each entry contains a relevant science experiment, such as designing a tiny spacecraft and building a Mars habitat. Text features include bold words highlighting important vocabulary (orbits, satellites), an index, and a visual glossary. VERDICT: Written at a second grade reading level, this is an excellent STEM series for early elementary students in a general collection, as well as for older ­hi-lo readers.

Activities for further learning
Glossary of key words
Online learning supplement
Sources for further research
Suggested websites
Table of contents
Full-color illustrations, Full-color photographs
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