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Poop Cures

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Why did medieval physicians fill a patient’s nostrils with hog’s dung? Can eating camel poop really help cure dysentery? And why are 21st-century doctors carrying out fecal transplants on patients with serious digestive problems? We often think of poop as yucky and dirty, but since ancient times, doctors have explored how it can be used as a treatment for illnesses and injuries. This title will engross readers—and gross them out!

Filled with information perfectly suited to the abilities and interests of an early elementary audience, this colorful, fact-filled book gives readers a chance not only to learn, but also to develop their powers of observation and critical thinking. With fascinating photographs and surprising, high-interest facts about a material that we don’t usually read about, the book makes learning about excrement poop-sitively amazing!

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Copyright 2018
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series The Scoop on Poop
Language English
ISBN 9781684022496, 9781684023035
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 591.56'4
Guided Reading Level P
Lexile Reading Level 840
Author Ellen Lawrence

Jean Little Library Blog Review of Poop Cures

Ever since our school district adopted a new curriculum, one school’s fifth grade classes comes to me in the fall for materials for their inquiry projects. I usually start with a list of anywhere from 20-50 subjects and then work with the teachers and students to narrow them down as needed. Certain topics show up regularly – mythology, space, a variety of famous figures both old and new, animals, and World War II. But every year I get a few new subjects (one of my favorites was “frozen bodies” later narrowed down to cryogenics. That’s a fifth grader with imagination!) and this year a lot of kids asked for… books about poop! For which I take sole responsibility, since I booktalked all my animal feces books to them at their last library visit! The call went forth for More Poop Books and Bearport has answered the call with a new series, “The Scoop on Poop.”

I received one title, Poop Cures, for review and it does not disappoint. There are photos of feces under the microscope and historic cures involving poop. Lest you think the days of poop as medicine has passed, the book cheerfully informs you of cures in World War II for dysentery involving fresh camel poop (get it while it’s hot!). The story doesn’t end there – every kid needs to know the whys and wherefores of fecal transplants right? Of course they do! And this book delivers with an explanation of bacteria and the nitty-gritty of fecal transplants and poop pills.

Back matter includes an activity to design your own (imaginary) poop cure and a picture glossary, index, and further suggested reading. This series includes six titles; Building with Poop, Poop detectives, Poop eaters, Poop power, and Poop’s many uses.

Verdict: Kids don’t get tired of the gross and icky and this new series mixes science with some classic gross-out information and a touch of humor. A must-have for any library with elementary school students.

Activities for further learning
Glossary of key words
Online learning supplement
Sources for further research
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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