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African Wild Dogs

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With their large, round ears, patchwork coat, and bone-crunching jaws, African wild dogs are some of the most distinctive animals roaming the African plains. And their pups are among the cutest of all canines! African wild dogs live in large packs, led by a male and female. The female gives birth to her pups in an underground den, and she and other members of the pack work together to care for and protect the furry babies until they are big enough to hunt for prey on their own. In this coming-of-age introduction to African wild dogs, readers will see how these pups learn how to hunt and live in a pack. The lively text, colorful pages, and exquisite photos are sure to delight and engage emergent readers.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Beginning Readers, Nonfiction
Copyright 2014
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Wild Canine Pups
Language English
ISBN 9781617729706
Title Format Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 599.77
ATOS Reading Level 3.2
Guided Reading Level J
Lexile Reading Level 580
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 4.6
AR Quiz Number 161471
Author Jane P. Gardner

African Wild Dogs

“Meet Some Pups” suggests the opening chapter title. Hey, you don’t have to ask twice! The Wild Canine Pups series is just the thing for readers who like their exotic-animal books with a high snuggle rating. This entry introduces the wild canines that migrate across the grassy plains of Africa in packs of 5 to 20. First question: Cute? You betcha, and the plentiful photos feature arrowed captions to point out the adorable features (“round ears,” “long legs”). Don’t worry; a size chart, map, and plenty of stats keep things educational. Meanwhile, to Gardner’s credit, she gets real with a fairly gory photo of a wild dog hauling around its torn-up prey. It’s a small book—literally; the trim size is an easy-to-hold box—and pounces along at a nice pace on its way to the closing picture glossary.

African Wild Dogs

“Meet Some Pups” suggests the opening chapter title. Hey, you don’t have to ask twice! The Wild Canine Pups series is just the thing for readers who like their exotic-animal books with a high snuggle rating. This entry introduces the wild canines that migrate across the grassy plains of Africa in packs of 5 to 20. First question: Cute? You betcha, and the plentiful photos feature arrowed captions to point out the adorable features (“round ears,” “long legs”). Don’t worry; a size chart, map, and plenty of stats keep things educational. Meanwhile, to Gardner’s credit, she gets real with a fairly gory photo of a wild dog hauling around its torn-up prey. It’s a small book—literally; the trim size is an easy-to-hold box—and pounces along at a nice pace on its way to the closing picture glossary.

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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