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Cover: Squirrel Kits

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Squirrel Kits

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These widespread gems of nature live just about everywhere, from woods to towns to cities. The gray squirrel, the most common kind, builds its home--called a drey--high up in trees. The home is built of twigs and feathers and dry grass, so it's soft and warm inside. The mother squirrel's hairless, blind babies--called kits--are born in the drey. There, they spend seven weeks before venturing outside. Readers will see how the cute little kits learn what to eat, from the tastiest nuts and seeds to the yummiest flowers and plants, and how they eventually learn to live on their own. Clear, simple text and gorgeous pictures are sure to delight emergent readers in this coming-of-age introduction to squirrel kits.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Beginning Readers, Nonfiction
Copyright 2011
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Wild Baby Animals
Language English
ISBN 9781617721601, 9781617722004
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 599.36'2139
ATOS Reading Level 2.3
Guided Reading Level J
Lexile Reading Level 410
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 2.4
AR Quiz Number 142613
Author Ruth Owen
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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