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Cover: Pig Detectives

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Pig Detectives

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Everyone knows that pigs are farm animals. What may not be known is that pigs are super-smart and have sniffers as powerful as a dog's nose! So, it's not hard to believe that some people use them as detectives. One thing they detect is an expensive mushroom called a truffle that grows as deep as three feet (1 m) underground. These talented sniffers have also found success in law enforcement detecting illegal drugs. In this introduction to pig detectives, readers will learn about the best breeds for the various jobs and the training the pigs undergo. The fun pictures and fascinating text are sure to engage your emergent readers and give them a deep appreciation for these very special detectives. The nose knows!

Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Beginning Readers, Nonfiction
Copyright 2014
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series We Work! Animals with Jobs
Language English
ISBN 9781617728990, 9781617729423
Title Format Reinforced book, Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 636.40886
ATOS Reading Level 2.5
Guided Reading Level J
Lexile Reading Level 570
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 3.8
AR Quiz Number 161480
Author Jenny Fretland VanVoorst
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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