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How Do You Know It's Spring?

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$42.79 $29.95

New plants poke through the soil. Birds build nests and lay eggs. Kids play outdoors longer after school. What does it all mean? It must be spring! From changes in the growth cycles of plants to the signs of spring that can be found in backyards, parks, woodlands, wetlands, cities, and farms all across North America, this colorful book will give kids an exciting opportunity to explore nature in action. Activities, such as recording relative changes in temperature, precipitation, and the length of days in weather notebooks, give readers a chance to gain insights beyond the facts and figures. Expertly crafted to meet early elementary reading and science curriculum standards, How Do You Know It’s Spring? introduces young readers to basic science concepts and the two fundamental components of scientific inquiry—making observations, and drawing inferences from those observations.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre High-Interest, Nonfiction
Copyright 2012
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Signs of the Seasons
Language English
ISBN 9781617724626
Title Format Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 508.2
ATOS Reading Level 3.6
Guided Reading Level L
Lexile Reading Level 560
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 3.6
AR Quiz Number 149989
Author Ruth Owen
  • 2014 Teachers' Choice Award, 2014
Author/Illustrator biography
Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs
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