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Creepy Stations

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Most people stop at stations for a brief time when they travel by train or subway. As passengers come and go, the stations are filled with happy greetings and sad good-byes. But are the stations also filled with something more out of the ordinary? According to some, spooky ghosts and mischievous spirits have been spotted lurking in the shadows. Among the 11 creepy stations in this book, children will discover a haunted underground station in London that was once used as an air-raid shelter during World War II, and a stop along the Pony Express where the sounds of horses' thundering hooves can still be heard. The haunting photographs and chilling nonfiction text will keep children turning the pages to discover more spooky stories.

Interest Level Grade 4 - Grade 8
Reading Level Grade 4
Genre Narrative Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Copyright 2013
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Scary Places
Language English
ISBN 9781617727986
Title Format Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 133.1'22
ATOS Reading Level 5.9
Guided Reading Level S
Lexile Reading Level 1000
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 7.5
AR Quiz Number 157059
Author Dinah Williams
Author/Illustrator biography
Detailed maps
Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs, Historical photographs, Full-color illustrations
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