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Seizure-Alert Dogs

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Before Alex was paired with Lady, a German shepherd, he never knew when a seizure would strike. Someone had to stay with Alex at all times—he couldn’t even watch television by himself. Now, with Lady by his side, Alex knows he will be safe. Lady is a seizure-alert dog. She warns Alex when he’s going to have a seizure and comforts him after an attack. Packed with real-life narratives of canine heroes protecting their human partners, Seizure-Alert Dogs covers the training process and shows how these dogs give their owners the confidence they need to live independent lives.

Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 7
Reading Level Grade 3
Genre Narrative Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Copyright 2010
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series Dog Heroes
Language English
ISBN 9781597169769
Title Format Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 362.196'85308
ATOS Reading Level 5.3
Guided Reading Level N
Lexile Reading Level 980
Scholastic Reading Counts Level 7.3
AR Quiz Number 131778
Author Margaret Fetty

Seizure Alert

These volumes showcase the work done by dogs serving in active military units (Combat) or assisting people with disorders such as epilepsy (Seizure). Double-page spreads feature facts about the characteristics dogs need to function in these specialized roles, how they are trained, and examples of their work; photographs accompany the texts. The books, though slight, are effective in their accessibility.

Seizure Alert

These volumes showcase the work done by dogs serving in active military units (Combat) or assisting people with disorders such as epilepsy (Seizure). Double-page spreads feature facts about the characteristics dogs need to function in these specialized roles, how they are trained, and examples of their work; photographs accompany the texts. The books, though slight, are effective in their accessibility.

Seizure Alert

For anyone already in love with pooches, the titles in the Dog Heroes series will only increase the certainty that dogs are the greatest things on the planet. The series is a surprising 17 titles deep and touches on everything from sled dogs to the Dog Scouts of America. Combat-Wounded Dogs kicks off with a bombing in 2006 Iraq, where an explosion not only wounded soldier Brendan Poelaert but also Flapoor, his military working dog (MWD). Flapoor’s survival is but one tale in a long history of canine soldiering, which took off in World War II and continued through Vietnam, where it is estimated that 10,000 soldiers were saved by dogs. A red-and-black design fits the dramatic atmosphere, and challenging vocabulary words (shrapnel, aerovaced) nudge along the ultimately inspiring story of how MWDs evolved from “equipment” to “soliders.” Seizure-Alert Dogs details the otherworldly ability of dogs to sense when a human’s seizure is imminent and take protective action (such as straddling the person’s body). Many of the pages are given to training, which begins at two months and can cost $20,000 per dog. But the heartwarming story of a German shepherd named Lady and photos of these stalwart animals with their extravagant gear and cautionary patches (“Do Not Pet”) will keep the smiles coming. This is satisfying coverage of a high-interest topic.

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs, Historical photographs
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