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Las golondrinas comunes (Barn Swallows)

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On a fall day in a park, a barn swallow spreads its wings and takes off into the air to start a very long journey. The little bird travels thousands of miles during its migration south for the winter. After reaching its warm winter home, the barn swallow finds plenty of food as it zigzags through the air catching insects. By early spring, it's time to return north. In this dramatic and colorful book, beginning readers will learn all about where barn swallows go in the winter and the amazing ways they survive--including traveling in large groups, some as large as one million birds. Each 24-page book features controlled text with age-appropriate vocabulary and simple sentence construction. The lively text, colorful design, and exquisite photos are sure to delight and engage emergent readers.

Interest Level Preschool - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Beginning Readers, Nonfiction
Copyright 2015
Publisher Bearport Publishing
Series ¿A dónde van en invierno?
Language Spanish
ISBN 9781627244718
Title Format Unlimited Access eBook
Dewey 598.8'26
Guided Reading Level I
Lexile Reading Level 520
Author J. Clark Sawyer

School Library Journal for ¿A dónde van en invierno?

In this series, the authors cover hibernation and migratory patterns of six different animals in a tidy and fascinating package. In Las golondrinas comunes, readers are introduced to the barn swallow and its migration to the South; in Los pequeños murciélagos café, they write about the little brown bat’s hibernation habits. Las mariposas monarca presents the monarch butterfly’s migration pattern and life cycle, while Las ardillas de tierra de trece franjas discusses how ground squirrels eat a lot prior to hibernation in order to accumulate fat. Las serpientes de cascabel de bandas covers rattlesnakes, and Las ranas de la madera tackles how wood frogs can stay frozen for up to several weeks. All of these titles incorporate photographs and close-ups to show the distinctive features of each animal. The large font is easy on early readers. Useful back matter rounds out each title and makes it a valuable introduction to science, zoology, and nature concepts. VERDICT: Solid additions.

Glossary of key words
Table of contents
Full-color photographs

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