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NSTA Recommends Exploring Distant Worlds as a Space Robot Engineer

What is a Space Robot? Why do we need to have Space Robot Engineers? When might we be exploring distant worlds? Being an engineer for space robots takes on new meaning as the book connects the job and the adventures offered here through the use of real time photos and the most current science information available!

As the importance of S.T.E.M. education comes to the forefront of classrooms everywhere, it becomes increasingly necessary for teachers everywhere to bring their classroom libraries up to speed! The Get to Work with Science and Technology series of books does just that. From learning about being a veterinarian in a zoo to the engineering of a space robot, these books bring students into the world of the latest and most exciting career choices of the 21st Century!

Each book provides over 30 pages of color infused photographs and images that attract the students and draw them to the text. The boldface, current vocabulary enhances the understanding of each topic in a way that encourages students to add it to their daily conversation! Essential and compelling facts are contained throughout the book in circles that standout and remind the reader of their importance to the topic. Each book contains a kid–friendly glossary and a project idea that will allow students to take on the job being highlighted. As teachers look for new resources to focus their students on the newest and most innovative career choices, this series should be at the top of their lists!

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