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Arctic Animals

Cover: Arctic Animals: Life Outside the Igloo

The text flows smoothly in these strong introductions, which cover the requisite animal information: location, habitat, physical characteristics, diet, seasonal changes, and reproduction and life cycle. Many pieces of data are framed according to young readers’ life experiences (“Hold a quarter in your hand. The coin weighs just a little more than a baby lemming!”). Another stand-out feature is the use of anticipatory questions that neatly lead readers from one chapter to the next. Simple math and visual literacy activities use or extend the material just presented. The titles culminate in a “Science Lab,” which varies from book to book (a science experiment, designing a poster, a compare and contrast). Dynamic photos hold their own, supporting the text beautifully. A visual dictionary of six words finishes these off nicely. VERDICT: These books will be a hit among students seeking informational texts and those looking for recreational reading.

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Arctic Animals: Life Outside the Igloo (1 title)

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