Half-Human Monsters
The grotesque, horrifying depictions of half-human monsters in this title from the Not Near Normal: The Paranormal series will no doubt draw interest from curious readers. The (un)usual suspects are each accounted for: Bigfoot, the chupacabra, the Loch Ness monster, and so forth. But lesser-known creatures are also given their due. For instance, the mothman of West Virginia opens this freaky roundup with eyewitness accounts as well as theories about its origin. Owen goes a step further, providing logical or skeptical explanations for each creature profiled in the book. The field of cryptozoology is introduced as well and reminds readers that some animals, like pandas and giant squids, were once creatures of myth before scientists were able to discover and study them. Illustrations run the gamut from scary to silly, but, generally, this title’s design is appropriately shiver inducing.