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Booklist Review of Get Crafting for Your Hip Hamster

Cover: Get Crafting for Your Hip Hamster

Part of the Playful Pets Projects series (6 titles), this guide for advanced-beginner or intermediate crafters outlines four projects kids can make and use with their hamster buddies. A Popsicle-stick house, carrot and hamster-seed cupcakes, a cardboard maze, and a fleece snuggle pouch are all on the delightful agenda. Each craft begins with a list of easily obtainable materials and a photo of the finished product so that the child and their adult helper (recommended whenever cutting or a heat source is involved) can visualize what they will be making. Clear, step-by-step instructions follow with photos illustrating most steps, not to mention frequent hamster cameos. A final page offers pet-care tips, which youngsters will appreciate. These cute, well-thought-out projects will challenge kids and reward them with fun, but not too easily won, results.

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Cover: Get Crafting for Your Hip Hamster Get Crafting for Your Hip Hamster
Playful Pet Projects (6 titles)

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