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Erased by a Tornado

Cover: Erased by a Tornado!

Using the real-life experiences of an Ethiopian college student (Mikias Mohammed of Union University) as an anchor, this book tells the true story of a deadly cluster of monster storms in 2008. The author provides sound science, outstanding diagrams, and a historical context to make this a highly recommended book on the topic and an NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Book for 2011.Because the text begins as a narrative, it will attract readers who might not otherwise select informational science reading. It’s hard to resist the pull of the story line as the student struggles to survive the storm. The appendices include historical records, safety procedures, a glossary, and sources for further research providing opportunities for integration. The book might also spark a class effort to collect oral histories from communities related to weather events in the past.

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Cover: Erased by a Tornado! Erased by a Tornado! 5.6

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