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Devastated by a Volcano

Cover: Devastated by a Volcano!

This entry in the Disaster Survivors series sandwiches an introduction to the tectonic forces that cause volcanoes and a survey of the most destructive eruptions in the past two centuries between glancing encounters with two survivors of 1997’s blast on the Caribbean island of Montserrat. Though the color photos that dominate every page aren’t always clear depictions of the looks and effects of various modern eruptions—and the opening and closing interviews are unsourced—the descriptions of volcanic activity will give young readers a clear picture of the forces involved while introducing specialized terms like lava bombs and pyroclastic flow. A page of general safety advice and a set of brief resource lists close this suitable alternative to the steady rain of titles on the topic.

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Cover: Devastated by a Volcano! Devastated by a Volcano! 5.4

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